I love to doodle. Doodling is something that just happens for me. All through school and later throughout my career, my notebooks were adorned with drawings. Sometimes, it’s even a little embarrassing. Just glance at any of my meeting notes. There are more doodles than notes. But doodling – believe it or not- keeps me focused. Usually. …
Father’s Day Tribute and The First Tee of Greater Tyler
My husband, Fritz, and I met at a driving range in 1990 and did most of our “courting” at Granville Golf Course in Granville, Ohio. We both shared an almost all-consuming passion for golf and we both “inherited” this love from our fathers. Fritz golfed with both his parents as a boy and spent hours on the…
Art Meets Science and the Tree-People Go Interactive
A while back, a friend told me about the Tyler Mini-Maker Faire and suggested that it might be a good place to showcase The Tree Series. I looked into it and signed up to be an exhibitor. I then promptly forgot about it. The next thing I knew, it was a few days before the event and…